What is A Difference?

Tasnim Jivaji WordPress

When someone says to you – that you have made a difference in their lives – what does it mean?

We hear stories of people not taking the leap off a bridge, because someone stepped up and said or did something that made a difference, and a life on this Earth decided to continue living even though it meant living through the same old ditch and circumstances.

A mother, halting a reprimand and just grabbing her child and holding it close, that split second, changes the life of that child and changes the person it will become.

A husband stopping to do what he thinks he needs to so urgently do, and takes his wife into his arms and just stops the moment from moving forward, frozen in time. That changes a woman’s life for real.

A boss, touching the employee’s shoulder and saying things will get better, just when it is clear that the employee should get cautioned, changes both of them and makes them different, makes them better.

They make movies of people jumping hurdles and stopping aeroplanes to make someone happy. Running through traffic in snow storms, just to get to keep their beloved. If you do not get that, don’t jump off the edge, just breathe because – Superman might be struck with Kryptonite, eh. And Spiderman, well he is upside-down right now, kissing some other person. So, take a deep breath and make a big difference to yourself for a change and love yourself.

Life takes turns and detours and tears fragments off, no – huge chunks of pieces of ourselves, before shredding us up in our graves. Sometimes, we need another human being to take our lives in their hands, so that we can keep it all together. But more than that, we need to be that person for ourselves.

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